Highly-available cluster

EventStoreDB allows you to run more than one node in a cluster for high availability.

Cluster nodes

EventStoreDB clusters follow a "shared nothing" philosophy, meaning that clustering requires no shared disks. Instead, each node has a copy of the data to ensure it is not lost in case of a drive failure or a node crashing.


Lean more about node roles.

EventStoreDB uses a quorum-based replication model, in which a majority of nodes in the cluster must acknowledge that they have received a copy of the write before the write is acknowledged to the client. This means that to be able to tolerate the failure of n nodes, the cluster must be of size (2n + 1). A three node cluster can continue to accept writes if one node is unavailable. A five node cluster can continue to accept writes if two nodes are unavailable, and so forth.

Cluster size

For any cluster configuration, you first need to decide how many nodes you want, provision each node and set the cluster size option on each node.

The cluster size is a pre-defined value. The cluster expects the number of nodes to match this predefined number, otherwise the cluster would be incomplete and therefore unhealthy.

The cluster cannot be dynamically scaled. If you need to change the number of cluster nodes, the cluster size setting must be changed on all nodes before the new node can join.

Use the ClusterSize option to tell each cluster node about how many nodes the cluster should have.

Command line--cluster-size

Default: 1 (single node, no high-availability).

Common values for the ClusterSize setting are three or five (to have a majority of two nodes and a majority of three nodes). We recommended setting this to an odd number of nodes to minimise the chance of a tie during elections, which would lengthen the election process.

Discovering cluster members

Cluster nodes use the gossip protocol to discover each other and elect the cluster leader.

Cluster nodes need to know about one another to gossip. To start this process, you provide gossip seeds for each node.

Configure cluster nodes to discover other nodes in one of two ways:

The multi-address DNS name cluster discovery only works for clusters that use certificates signed by a private certificate authority, or run insecure. For other scenarios you need to provide the gossip seed using hostnames of other cluster nodes.

Internal communication

When setting up a cluster, the nodes must be able to reach each other over both the HTTP channel, and the internal TCP channel. You should ensure that these ports are open on firewalls on the machines and between the machines.

Learn more about internal TCP configuration and HTTP configuration to set up the cluster properly.

Cluster with DNS

When you tell EventStoreDB to use DNS for its gossip, the server will resolve the DNS name to a list of IP addresses and connect to each of those addresses to find other nodes. This method is very flexible because you can change the list of nodes on your DNS server without changing the cluster configuration. The DNS method is also useful in automated deployment scenarios when you control both the cluster deployment and the DNS server from your infrastructure-as-code scripts.

To use DNS discovery, you need to set the ClusterDns option to the DNS name that allows making an HTTP call to it. When the server starts, it will attempt to make a gRPC call using the https://<cluster-dns>:<gossip-port> URL (http if the cluster is insecure).

When using a certificate signed by a publicly trusted CA, you'd normally use the wildcard certificate. Ensure that the cluster DNS name fits the wildcard, otherwise the request will fail on SSL check.

When using certificates signed by a private CA, the cluster DNS name must be included to the certificate of each node as SAN (subject alternative name).

You also need to have the DiscoverViaDns option to be set to true but it is its default value.

Command line--cluster-dns
Environment variableEVENTSTORE_CLUSTER_DNS

Default: fake.dns, which doesn't resolve to anything. You have to set it to a proper DNS name when used in combination to the DNS discovery (next setting).

Command line--discover-via-dns

Default: true, the DNS discovery is enabled by default.

It will be used only if the cluster has more than one node. You must set the ClusterDns setting to a proper DNS name.

When using DNS for cluster gossip, you might need to set the GossipPort setting to the HTTP port if the external HTTP port setting is not set to 2113 default port. Refer to gossip port option documentation to learn more.

Cluster with gossip seeds

If you don't want or cannot use the DNS-based configuration, it is possible to tell cluster nodes to call other nodes using their IP addresses. This method is a bit more cumbersome, because each node has to have the list of addresses for other nodes configured, but not its own address.

The setting accepts a comma-separated list of IP addresses or host names with their gossip port values.

Command line--gossip-seed
Environment variableEVENTSTORE_GOSSIP_SEED

Gossip protocol

EventStoreDB uses a quorum-based replication model. When working normally, a cluster has one node known as a leader, and the remaining nodes are followers. The leader node is responsible for coordinating writes while it is the leader. Cluster nodes use a consensus algorithm to determine which node should be the leader and which should be followers. EventStoreDB bases the decision as to which node should be the leader on a number of factors.

For a cluster node to have this information available to them, the nodes gossip with other nodes in the cluster. Gossip runs over HTTP interfaces of cluster nodes.

The gossip protocol configuration can be changed using the settings listed below. Pay attention to the settings related to time, like intervals and timeouts, when running in a cloud environment.

Gossip port

The gossip port is used for constructing the URL for making a gossip request to other nodes that are discovered via DNS. It is not used when using gossip seeds, because in that case the list contains IP addresses and the port.


Normally, the cluster gossip port is the same as the HTTP port, so you don't need to change this setting.

Command line--cluster-gossip-port

Default: HTTP port

Gossip interval

Cluster nodes try to ensure that the communication with their neighbour nodes is not broken. They use the gossip protocol and call each other after a specified period of time. This period is called the gossip interval. You can change the GossipInvervalMs setting so cluster nodes check in with each other more or less frequently.

The default value is two seconds (2000 ms).

Command line--gossip-interval-ms

Default: 2000 (in milliseconds), which is two seconds.

Time difference toleration

EventStoreDB expects the time on cluster nodes to be in sync within a given tolerance.

If different nodes have their clock out of sync for a number of milliseconds that exceeds the value of this setting, the gossip is rejected and the node will not be accepted as a cluster member.

Command line--gossip-allowed-difference-ms

Default: 60000 (in milliseconds), which is one minute.

Gossip timeout

When nodes call each other using the gossip protocol to understand the cluster status, a busy node might delay the response. When a node is not getting a response from another node, it might consider that other node as dead. Such a situation might trigger the election process.

If your cluster network is congested, you might increase the gossip timeout using the GossipTimeoutMs setting, so nodes will be more tolerant to delayed gossip responses. The default value is 2.5 seconds (2500 ms).

Command line--gossip-timeout-ms

Default: 2500 (in milliseconds).

Gossip on single node

You can connect using gossip seeds regardless of whether you have a cluster or not. In the previous versions of EventStoreDB gossip on a single node was disabled. Starting from 21.2 it is enabled by default.


Please note that the GossipOnSingleNode option is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. The gossip endpoint is now unconditionally available for any deployment topology.

Command line--gossip-on-single-node

Default: true

Leader election timeout

The leader elections are separate to the node gossip, and are used to elect a node as Leader.

In some cases the leader election messages may be delayed, which can result in elections taking longer than they should. If you start seeing election timeouts in the logs or if you have needed to increase the gossip timeout due to a congested network, then you should consider increasing the leader election timeout as well.

Command line--leader-election-timeout-ms

Default: 1000 (in milliseconds).

Node roles

Every node in a stable EventStoreDB deployment settles into one of three roles: Leader, Follower, and ReadOnlyReplica. The cluster is composed of the Leader and Followers.


The leader ensures that writes are persisted to its own disk, replicated to a majority of cluster nodes, and indexed on the leader so that they can be read from the leader, before acknowledging the write as successful to the client.


A cluster assigns the follower role based on an election process. A cluster uses one or more nodes with the follower role to form the quorum, or the majority of nodes necessary to confirm that the write is persisted.

Read-only replica

You can add read-only replica nodes, which will not become cluster members and will not take part in elections. Read-only replicas can be used for scaling up reads if you have many catch-up subscriptions and want to off-load cluster members.

A cluster asynchronously replicates data one way to a node with the read-only replica role. The read-only replica node is not part of the cluster, so does not add to the replication requirements needed to acknowledge a write. For this reason a node with a read-only replica role does not add much overhead to the other nodes.

You need to explicitly configure the node as a read-only replica using this setting:

Command line--read-only-replica

Default: false, set to true for a read-only replica node.

The replica node needs to have the cluster gossip DNS or seed configured. For the gossip seed, use DNS names or IP addresses of all other cluster nodes, except read-only replicas.

Node priority

You can control which clones the cluster promotes with the NodePriority setting. The default value is 0, and the cluster is more likely to promote nodes with higher values.

Command line--node-priority

Default: 0.


Changing NodePriority does not guarantee that the cluster will not promote the node. It is only one of the criteria that the Election Service considers.