Connecting to EventStoreDB

Describe connecting to the single node and to the cluster.

Gossip seeds, using ip addresses and DNS.

The .NET Client API communicates with EventStoreDB over TCP, using length-prefixed serialised protocol buffers. The API allows for reading and appending operations, as well as for subscriptions to individual event streams or all events appended.


The EventStoreConnection class maintains a full-duplex connection between the client and the EventStoreDB server. EventStoreConnection is thread-safe, and we recommend that you create one node per application.

EventStoreDB handles all connections asynchronously, returning either a Task or a Task<T>.


To get maximum performance from a non-blocking connection, we recommend you use it asynchronously.

Quick start

The code below shows how to connect to an EventStoreDB server, appends to a stream, and read back the events. For more detailed information, read the full pages for connecting to a server using connection string and connection settings, reading events and appending to a stream

var conn = EventStoreConnection.Create(new Uri("tcp://admin:changeit@localhost:1113"));
await conn.ConnectAsync();

var data     = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("{\"a\":\"2\"}");
var metadata = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("{}");
var evt      = new EventData(Guid.NewGuid(), "testEvent", true, data, metadata);

await conn.AppendToStreamAsync("test-stream", ExpectedVersion.Any, evt);

var streamEvents  = await conn.ReadStreamEventsForwardAsync("test-stream", 0, 1, false);
var returnedEvent = streamEvents.Events[0].Event;

    "Read event with data: {0}, metadata: {1}",
var conn = EventStoreConnection.Create(new Uri("tcp://admin:changeit@localhost:1113"));
await conn.ConnectAsync();

var data     = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("some data");
var metadata = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("some metadata");
var evt      = new EventData(Guid.NewGuid(), "testEvent", false, data, metadata);

await conn.AppendToStreamAsync("test-stream", ExpectedVersion.Any, evt);

var streamEvents  = await conn.ReadStreamEventsForwardAsync("test-stream", 0, 1, false);
var returnedEvent = streamEvents.Events[0].Event;

    "Read event with data: {0}, metadata: {1}",


We recommended using the JSON format for data and metadata.

Connection string

Many of the EventStoreConnection.Create overloads accept a connection string that you can use to control settings of the connection. A benefit to having these as a connection string instead of using the fluent API is that you can change them between environments without recompiling (i.e. a single node in dev and a cluster in production).

For example, the following code will create a connection to an EventStoreDB local node, and then open the connection:

var connectionString = "ConnectTo=tcp://admin:changeit@localhost:1113;";
var connection = EventStoreConnection.Create(connectionString, builder);
await connection.ConnectAsync();

Here are all available overloads for the Create methods of the EventStoreConnection class, which use the connection string:

Create(string connectionString)Connects to EventStoreDB with settings from connection string
Create(string connectionString, ConnectionSettingsBuilder builder)Connects to EventStoreDB by merging connection string settings with pre-populated builder for additional settings

The connection string format should look familiar to those who have used connection strings in the past. It consists of a series of key/value pairs separated by semicolons.

You can set the following values using the connection string:

ConnectToA URI in format described above to connect toThe URI to connect to
GossipSeedsComma separated list of ip:portA list of seeds to try to discover from
ClusterDnsStringThe DNS name of the cluster for discovery
ExternalGossipPortIntegerThe port to try to gossip on
DefaultUserCredentialsString in format username:passwordThe default credentials for the connection
MaxQueueSizeIntegerMaximum number of outstanding operations
MaxConcurrentItemsIntegerMaximum number of concurrent async operations
MaxRetriesIntegerMaximum number of retry attempts
MaxReconnectionsIntegerThe maximum number of times to try reconnecting
RequireMasterTrue/falseIf set the server will only process if it is master
ReconnectionDelayInteger (milliseconds)The delay before attempting to reconnect
OperationTimeoutInteger (milliseconds)The time before considering an operation timed out
OperationTimeoutCheckPeriodInteger (milliseconds)The frequency in which to check timeouts
UseSslConnectionTrue/falseWhether to use SSL for this connection
TargetHostStringThe hostname expected on the certificate
ValidateServerTrue/falseWhether to validate the remote server
FailOnNoServerResponseTrue/FalseWhether to fail on no server response
HeartbeatIntervalInteger (milliseconds)The interval at which to send the server a heartbeat
HeartbeatTimeoutInteger (milliseconds)The amount of time to receive a heartbeat response before timing out
MaxDiscoverAttemptsIntegerThe maximum number of attempts to try to discover the cluster
GossipTimeoutInteger (milliseconds)The amount of time before timing out a gossip response
VerboseLoggingTrue/falseEnables verbose logging
Compatibility Modeauto, 20Enables the client to connect to either server configuration without needing to change the client's connection settings

You can specify only one of ConnectTo, ClusterDns and GossipSeeds. Also, you'd only need to define ExternalGossipPort if you connect to the cluster using the DNS name (ClusterDns). The gossip port is usually the external HTTP port. When connecting to the cluster using GossipSeeds, you need to specify the gossip port for each node address in the list of seeds.


You can also use spacing instead of camel casing in your connection string.

ConnectTo=tcp://admin:changeit@localhost:1113; HeartBeatTimeout=500

Sets the connection string to connect to localhost on the default port and sets the heartbeat timeout to 500ms.

Connect To = tcp://admin:changeit@localhost:1113; HeartBeatTimeout=500

Using spaces:

ConnectTo=discover://admin:changeit@mycluster:3114; HeartBeatTimeout=500

Tells the connection to try gossiping to a manager node found under the DNS mycluster at port 3114 to connect to the cluster.

GossipSeeds=,; HeartBeatTimeout=500

Tells the connection to try gossiping to the gossip seeds or on port '1111' to discover information about the cluster.


You can also use the ConnectionString class to return a ConnectionSettings object.

Connection settings

The EventStoreConnection class uses the static Create methods to create a new connection. All method overloads allow you to specify a name for the connection, which the connection returns when it raises events (see Connection Events).

Instances of ConnectionSettings are created using a fluent builder class:

var settingsBuilder = ConnectionSettings.Create();

This creates an instance of ConnectionSettingsBuilder with default settings. You can override these by chaining the additional builder methods described below. When you have a builder with all the settings configured, use the Build method to create the ConnectionSettings instance and then use it to create a connection:

var settings = settingsBuilder.Build();
var connection = EventStoreConnection.Create(settings);

Settings builder supports fluent API, so each of its configuration methods returns the reference to itself. It allows you to chain the configuration calls, finalising it by the Build method call:

var settings = ConnectionSettings
var connection = EventStoreConnection.Create(
    settings, new Uri("tcp://admin:changeit@localhost:1113")

You can also pass the builder instead of the ConnectionSettings instance. In this case, the builder will be implicitly converted to the settings instance by calling the Build method under the hood.

Here are all available overloads for the Create methods of the EventStoreConnection class, which use connection settings:

Create(ConnectionSettings connectionSettings)Connects to EventStoreDB using specified settings
Create(Uri uri)Connects to EventStoreDB (see URIs below) with default settings
Create(ConnectionSettings connectionSettings, Uri uri)Connects to EventStoreDB (see URIs below) with specified settings
Create(string connectionString)Connects to EventStoreDB with settings from connection string
Create(string connectionString, ConnectionSettingsBuilder builder)Connects to EventStoreDB by merging connection string settings with pre-populated builder for additional settings
Create(ConnectionSettings connectionSettings, IEndPointDiscover endPointDiscover)Connects to an EventStoreDB cluster with custom settings.


The connection returned by these methods is inactive. Use the ConnectAsync() method to establish a connection with the server.


The create methods support passing of a URI to the connection as opposed to passing IPEndPoints. This URI should be in the format of:

  • Single Node: tcp://user:password@myserver:11234
  • Cluster: discover://user:password@myserver:1234

Where the port number points to the TCP port of the EventStoreDB instance (1113 by default) or points to the manager gossip port for discovery purposes.

With the URI based mechanism you can pass a DNS name and the client will resolve it. The client performs a blocking DNS call for single node. If you are worried about blocking DNS due to network issues etc., you should resolve the DNS yourself and pass in an IP address.


The .NET client can log to different destinations. By default logging is disabled.

Builder MethodDescription
UseConsoleLogger()Output log messages using Console.WriteLine
UseDebugLogger()Output log messages using Debug.WriteLine
UseCustomLogger()Output log messages to the specified instance of ILogger (You should implement this interface in order to log using another library such as NLog or log4net).
EnableVerboseLogging()Turns on verbose logging.

By default, information about connection, disconnection and errors are logged, however it can be useful to have more information about specific operations as they are occurring.

User credentials

EventStoreDB supports Access Control Lists that restrict permissions for a stream based on users and groups. EventStoreConnection allows you to supply credentials for each operation, however it is often more convenient to set default credentials for all operations on the connection.

Builder MethodDescription
SetDefaultUserCredentials(UserCredentials credentials)Sets the default UserCredentials to use for this connection. If you don't supply any credentials, the operation will use these.

You create a UserCredentials object as follows:

var credentials = new UserCredentials("username", "password");


The .NET API and EventStoreDB can communicate either over SSL or an unencrypted channel (by default).

To configure the client-side of the SSL connection, use the builder method below. For more information on setting up the server end of the EventStoreDB for SSL, see SSL Setup.

UseSslConnection(string targetHost, bool validateServer)

Uses an SSL-encrypted connection where targetHost is the name specified on the SSL certificate installed on the server, and validateServer controls whether the connection validates the server certificate.


In production systems where credentials are sent from the client to EventStoreDB, you should always use SSL encryption and you should set validateServer to true.

Node preference

When connecting to an EventStoreDB HA cluster you can specify that operations are performed on any node, or only on the node that is the master.

Builder MethodDescription
PerformOnMasterOnly()Require the master to serve all write and read requests (Default).
PerformOnAnyNode()Allow for writes to be forwarded and read requests to be served locally if the current node is not master.

Handling failures

The following methods on the ConnectionSettingsBuilder allow you to change the way the connection handles operation failures and connection issues.


Builder MethodDescription
WithConnectionTimeoutOf (TimeSpan timeout)Sets the timeout to connect to a server before aborting and attempting a reconnect (Default: 1 second).
LimitReconnectionsTo (int limit)Limits the number of reconnections this connection can try to make (Default: 10).
KeepReconnecting()Allows infinite reconnection attempts.
SetReconnectionDelayTo (TimeSpan reconnectionDelay)Sets the delay between reconnection attempts (Default: 100ms).
SetHeartbeatInterval (TimeSpan interval)Sets how often the connection should expect heartbeats (lower values detect broken sockets faster) (Default: 750ms).
SetHeartbeatTimeout (TimeSpan timeout)Sets how long to wait without heartbeats before determining a connection to be dead (must be longer than the heartbeat interval) (Default: 1500ms).


Builder MethodDescription
SetOperationTimeout (TimeSpan timeout)Sets the operation timeout duration (Default: 7 seconds).
SetTimeoutCheckPeriodTo (TimeSpan timeoutCheckPeriod)Sets how often to check for timeouts (Default: 1 second).
LimitAttemptsForOperationTo (int limit)Limits the number of operation attempts (Default: 11).
LimitRetriesForOperationTo (int limit)Limits the number of operation retries (Default: 10).
KeepRetrying()Allows infinite operation retries.
LimitOperationsQueueTo (int limit)Sets the limit for number of outstanding operations (Default: 5000).
FailOnNoServerResponse()Marks that no response from server should cause an error on the request.

Cluster settings

Cluster settings are now embedded to the connection settings and all overloads that use ClusterSettings are obsolete. You can use the connection settings instance to configure cluster connection:

var settings = ConnectionSettings
var connection = EventStoreConnection.Create(settings);

Connection events

EventStoreConnection exposes events that your application can use to be notified of changes to the status of the connection.

ConnectedSuccessfully connected to server
DisconnectedDisconnected from server by some means other than by calling the Close method.
ReconnectingAttempting to reconnect to server following a disconnection
ClosedConnection got closed either using the Close method or when reconnection limits are reached without a successful connection being established
ErrorOccurredConnection experienced an error
AuthenticationFailedFailed to authenticate

Compatibility Mode

Enables the client to connect to either server configuration without needing to change the client's connection settings.

Builder MethodDescription
SetCompatibilityMode(string value)Specifies if the client should run in a specific version compatibility mode. Set "auto" for Auto-Compatibility Mode or "20" for v20 Compatibility Mode

Auto-compatibility mode

Auto-compatibility mode was added to make the upgrade from an insecure v5 cluster to a secure v20+ cluster easier by allowing the client to connect to either server configuration without needing to change the client's connection settings.

It does this by sending both an insecure and a secure gossip request when first discovering the server. Whichever of these requests succeeds sets whether the gossip is to be done over HTTP or HTTPS. Once the cluster is discovered, the client will check the gossip to determine whether the TCP connection should be secure or insecure, and connect accordingly.

This means that you no longer need to specify GossipOverTls or UseSslConnection in the connection settings or connection string.


Since auto-compatibility mode will send two requests at discovery and expect one to fail, you will see a gossip failure in the log when the client starts. This is expected to only happen on the first request.


Auto-Compatibility Mode is supported when connecting with Gossip Seeds or Cluster DNS Discovery.

You can enable auto-compatibility mode with CompatibilityMode=auto in the connection string, or with .SetCompatibilityMode("auto") in the connection settings.

You can connect to a cluster running insecure v5, insecure v20+, or secure v20+ with the following configurations:

Connection string
var clusterDnsConnectionString = quot;ConnectTo=discover://{dns_address}:2113;TargetHost={dns_address};CompatibilityMode=auto;ValidateServer=true;"
var gossipSeedConnectionSTring = quot;GossipSeeds={node1}:2113,{node2}:2113,{node3}:2113;CompatibilityMode=auto;ValidateServer=true;"


Auto-compatibility mode does not enable Server Certificate Validation by default. As such, we recommend that you enable this explicitly in your connection string.

Connection settings
var connectionSettings = ConnectionSettings.Create()
var clusterSettings = ClusterSettings.Create()

var conn = EventStoreConnection.Create(connectionSettings, clusterSettings);
await conn.ConnectAsync();
var connectionSettings = ConnectionSettings.Create()
        new IPEndPoint(node1, 2113),
        new IPEndPoint(node2, 2113),
        new IPEndPoint(node3, 2113))

var conn = EventStoreConnection.Create(connectionSettings);
await conn.ConnectAsync();
v5 Compatibility Mode

The v5 Compatibility Mode allows the v21.2 client to connect to a v5 cluster.

You can set this with CompatibilityMode=5 in the connection string, or with .SetCompatibilityMode("5") in the connection settings.

For example:

var connectionString = quot;ConnectTo=discover://{cluster_dns}:2113?TargetHost={cluster_dns};CompatibilityMode=5;"
Last Updated:
Contributors: Renae Sowald